Sept. 17

In Music, we practiced our songs for Remembrance Day. All the choir kids that signed up had their first choir practice today. We sang a special song that a little girl sang to a little boy that was going to war. We hope to perform this in the future. Choir kids - make sure you give your parents the form from today.

In Phys. Ed., we played team tag. The goal was to tag the most people.

In math, we practiced counting by 5s and looked at the patterns on the hundred chart. Ask your child to start at any number between 0 and 10 and count by 5s. What is the pattern they see?

In Language Arts, we are working on making our sentences more interesting (and not a snooze fest). All sentences need at least these things:
  • capital letter at the beginning
  • a subject (person, place, or thing)
  • verb (action words)
  • punctuation at the end (. ! ?)
Have a great evening!


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