Orange Shirt Day

We are sending a letter home with information on it about cultural artifacts. Please read through this with your families and take a think about what might be a good artifact to share. What we hope is that every week, each student will have the opportunity to share their artifact with the class so we can learn and celebrate the great variety of backgrounds and cultures in our class. 

Artifacts are objects/things from your culture that are made by humans. They have often survived from the past. There is usually a story behind it and are special to your family.

They can be physical, like a stone hand-axe for example or an 'intangible' artifact like a folk dance or song.


  • pottery, plates, spoons
  • personal adornments: jewelry, clothing, buttons
  • artwork: pictures, paintings, 
  • tools
  • songs
  • dance
  • trophies
  • stuffies
  • your favourite things
  • things that you bought on vacation
We would like to keep these for a while and put them on a shelf in a safe place in our class. If you are not comfortable sending the object or want to get it back right away, we will take a picture of the artifact. If it is something that you cannot send, you can send a picture or video of the artifact. 

HOMEWORK (DUE FRIDAY): Please choose an artifact and with the help of your family, fill out the information sheet on the back of the letter. 

Our class of thoughtful, caring class showed up ready to think about why we wear orange on this day, and some were able to wear their own orange shirts. 


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